Friday, October 29, 2004

Final Countdown

Well... Unfortunately, I lost my friend from LA participating in the Halloween Group.
He is having some troubles, and will not be able to join us.
At this point, I will be just glad to get there and have fun. The concept is ok even if we all go as "fire". I'd have preferred both Fire and Ice, but I don't want to do that if I don't have enough people to pull it off. I can return the temporary tattoo ink (Blue, Purple etc... for the ice) and get my money back, so that way we would not have spent as much. Oh well as the say in NOLA "C'est la vie"

I have had an opportunity lately to read some other blogs. I can catch up with what's going on with people, and it can be quite interesting. One in particular, is cute Brian, who used to work at the Pub. He writes so well, and is so smart. I was really impressed. Reading his daily thoughts and comments, just makes him that much more attractive.

I am completely attracted to intelligence and "nice". In my book, a person can have average looks, and still be the hottest thing on 2 feet if they are smart, nice, and attitude free. To me, there is nothing better.

I'm still in a good mood despite my roomate issue. I want to stay that way.

well with that all said...

that's the way it IS...

ok I tried....


I love it when people try and place their own guilt and shortcomings on you, as if it were YOU who is the "problem"

I'm way too strong for that, and deserve to be treated better.

Nuff said.

Thursday, October 28, 2004


Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests
Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests
Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests
Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests
Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests
Bring me somebody with mutual feelings and interests...

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

"Join the Circus like you wanted to... when you were a Kid!"

Well yesterday... Tuesday...

I went to help set up for the big party Saturday evening. There was a LOT to do, and I was there 13 hours! 9am to 10 pm. I was able to lend my theatre experience and technical knowledge to help things move a bit easier. I hope it made a difference.
The design this year is very very nice. It has that old vaudvillian/ side show/ circus atmosphere. This is certainly going to be a memorable evening.

Today... Wednesday...
I finalized our costume plans. I have the airbrush artist lined up, and have the 4th person ( I think). The "Fire and Ice" costume theme should work well for us. I hope it works for people looking at us as well ;-) ;-)

I am going to keep this brief today, I am pretty busy at work and trying to orchestrate the whole Halloween costume stuff...

I'm in a good mood and getting excited about this weekend. Hope to stay like this :-)

and that's the way it was...

Monday, October 25, 2004

Countdown to release...

FLEW by. Before I knew it, it was over.

I had to teach at my studio in the morning. I'm glad to be teaching. I have always enjoyed watching students acheive that final product. It is one of the most soulfullfilling opportunities a person can have. I had some trouble with my ADD student. Unfortunately, I had to get pretty hard on her in class, and after. I spoke to her mother later that evening, and we discussed a few options with her. I am hoping to overcome this hurdle with her in class. I love nothing nothing more, than to see a child overcome great boundaries and finish ahead.

After class I went to Wal mart (Harahan UHHGGG)... HEY! it was out near the studio.

I tried to get the oil changed and regular maintenance, but i almost had no oil in the pan, and they saw a leak at the bottom. It might be nothing but a gasket, but it's something I'll have to look into. Problem is they would not service the car. I bought some oil put it in the car, finished my shopping, and returned home. The head technician there informed me if I went and cleaned underneath and added oil, someone might be able to do the regular work on it, then they would find out if it is a gasket problem or a crack. Keep your fingers crossed for the best.

Went home napped in the afternoon. Got online a bit, and went to go meet someone I had been chatting with a while for drinks and dinner.

We had a nice evening, starting at Napoleon's Itch, and headed to Quarter Scene for dinner. I felt like i wasn't "slumming it" I didn't leave the bar smelling like smoke, and feeling dead tired, and dinner was really really good. The pecan encrusted catfish surprsied me, it was a perfect meal for the evening.

I cleaned around inside the house, and started to pick up some of Jacob's (roomates) mess. I think I am going to have to set deadlines for things to be done. Like pick up boxes before the 31st... and sell extra sofa by 11/15/04... do it all or die sort of stuff.

I stayed in and made a great salad Sunday night. Watched some TV...yapped online a bit, and went to bed. Uhhg when I wake, it'll be Monday...grrrrrrr

I am in a good mood. I guess I got a lot accomplished. I need to so that I can enjoy Halloween in New Orleans! I like this time of year. The weather is good, and there is an enjoyable attitude throughout the city. I need the release of this coming weekend to just have fun. I am trying to get together all my halloween arrangments.... costumes/people/etc.
I have to teach Hip Hop tonight, but after that I'll raid some stores to find what we need to complete our costumes "Fire and Ice" WOO HOO... I can't wait to pull this off. I really think it's going to look HOT, even for ME!

well now you have been brought up to date!

...and that's the way it was

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I just typed a new Blog entry, and poured my heart out and it lost cuz MICRO #$#%@^@ SOFT added this new Pop up CRAP that screws things up!

Im over it!

Im off to the funeral
(which you could have read about...but not now...thx to microsoft!)

Monday, October 18, 2004

Tea for Two but NONE for ME

This should all be underscored with "No Man Left for Me" from The Will Rogers Follies. Cuz That's how I have been feeling. Thus the title on my Blog... Water, Water Everywhere and not a Drop to Drink.

Ok enough of the overly dramatic...

Saturday, was a clean up day around my house. The weather outside was beautiful, so I decided to take advantage of it,. I figured I'd work in the yard, and not feel so awful from doing such. My yard is in need of an overhaul . I "Gutted" a lot of stuff from flower beds (all overgrown with weeds and vines) and cut the lawn (7" High). Unfortunately, I have been too busy to keep up as I have wanted, but I am now going to make a true effort to do better.

I did not get started till about 2:00 due to the fact I had ventured out on Friday evening. ( see prior post) I felt pretty good about my accomplishments, and decided to quit where I was and shower and throw a steak on the BBQ.

I slipped into some PJ pants, opened all the windows, put my hall fan on, and enjoyed the wonderful "free weather" we are having here. I chatted online a bit and crashed early so that I could get up and work around the house some more, starting early Sunday.

SUNDAY... Yawn, Stretch

WOW, another beautiful day. I slip outside at about 9:30 and begin on my yardwork some more. I am thinking of friends and loved ones. As I do this...I am wanting to throw some sort of fall BBQ outside on the brick deck. My last party here was a HUGE hit, but it was 3 years ago. So I think I want to throw 1 together soon.

Strangely, out of the blue, I think of my dear friend Kathy Reiss. I know her father has been very ill, and the family wasn't expecting him to live much longer. For some innate reason, I felt he had passed, and that I'd be getting a phone call soon. Within the hour, that call came. He had passed away at 10:00 that morning. My heart goes out to Kathy and her family. I know it's something that is most people's greatest fear... losing a parent. I cannot even imagine how I will feel when that day comes. It is a day I completely fear, and hope is far, far away.

I continue to complete my yard work, and pick up all that mess. I am pretty pleased with my accomplishment, and I set inside to shower and nap. I plan on celebrating by going to "tea" at Le Pub (Thx M@).


Well, I showered napped and got myself together and went out to Tea. I actually found a decent parking space ( 1.5 blocks away) and headed out to the infamous corner of St Ann and Bourbon.

I could here Becky Allen from inside OZ... "O-69" "ahhhhhhh...ohhhhhh...yeah baby" so of course I peaked my head in to see how crowded it was and continued on to "Le Pub" I went right to Lil John's bar said hello, and greeted a number of people I know, ALL COUPLES ... OF COURSE! It seems it's TEA for TWO everywhere. Everybody I run into is in relationship these days. This is starting to get on my nerves, cuz I want one. The New Orleans dating pool leaves a lot to be desired, but damn, why should it be that difficult. I order a madras, and decide to "loop around." It is pretty festive out, and the weather is still beautiful. I run into the sister of an old friend from my baseball days. She recognized me first, and we proceeded to talk a bit. She kept asking me "where my man was" ... LOL I WISH!... of course I responded with "I have no man, baby"... all she could keep saying was "why???"... "look at you".."why not." Now, I have heard this many times. I guess it is flattering, but I doesn't help me really.

Anyway... I digress

I met a nice couple from North Carolina that just bought a small condo here as a second home. They have been together 9 years, and loved NOLA so much they needed to have a place here. We chatted a bit, exchanged numbers, and I continued on my way. I ran into more friends of mine yet another COUPLE, and we discussed Halloween plans.

I spot another couple (which I am not fond of) Ugly hairy sketchy leather Dr. and his Bottom Boyfriend du jour. He tries to talk to me, "Hay buddy" but I completely ignore him. The same way he did when he felt he was too good to talk to me when he had "stunning drop dead gorgeous money grubbing hot muscle boi" ...Uhhhg I hate attitudes. ( Let me tell you how I really feel!)

I hang out a bit more and return home and hit the sack. It's an early rise on a Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. Especially since I have to teach Hip Hop Class tonight at my studio. Uhhhgg, It never ends!

and that's the way it was!

Saturday, October 16, 2004

2nd Day of Life in Blogdom

Well.... It's day 2 and here I am.

I decided to go out AGAIN last night, so I could (as I say) spread my scent, it was an ok evening. When I arrived I saw my brother and some common friends standing outside the pub. I was talking to them when Pub Manager extrordinaire (Jonathan) passed by and whisked us all away like VIPs through the front door. Woo Hoo more liquor money.

I went to go see if LIL John (Robichaux) was working, and to go see Lawrence, and tell him of my blogday. I decided to order a drink and got one of Lawrence's "Let me knock you on your ass Long Island Ice Teas" which really did the job. (I had only eaten 2 chicken breasts, so it went right to the old knocker.) I think part of the reason it was so strong, is that he and I both spied this amazing young ...hmmm shall I say ADONIS... so as the aforementioned Adonis passed, Lawrence just kept pouring and pouring the strong stuff, not paying attention to the quantity of his mix. Lets just say first taste... NUMB !

Anyway... I did my usual circle around the bar, and my socializing. I guess I was hoping to see "James" hottie of last night, but alas, I was not blessed with his presence. I went upstairs and ran into LIL John (off the clock) and hung out with Bartender Matt.

Ok SUBJECT = Matt... this guy is so sweet. I never really got a chance to talk to him till last night. He looks amazing. I told him.." I dunno how you will take this, but it is meant to be a compliment. I dunno what you are doing, but you look amazing, keep it up"... I have seen him around the bar for a long time now, and I always thought he looked cute, but I don't know what it is but the guy keeps getting better looking. Hell, I wish I had that gene. So we chatted a while, and he was pointing out people for me. Nice gesture, but most of the guys he chose I knew, and either had no interest in, or vice versa. He never once pointed to himself. (Crush smashed in the ground.) Oh well!

I went out to the balcony, got me some air, and headed downstairs. I stayed a bit longer, chatted with some people I knew and returned home. Another exciting night in New Orleans.

As I am writing this, I am chatting on the ever so popular I was just chatting to this really cute guy, who had a great line. I felt I should share it. Here goes...

Men are like parking spaces, all the good ones are taken and the rest are handicapped!

Preach it!

and that's the way it was!

Friday, October 15, 2004

I'm so nervous...It's my first time.

Well, I have been contemplating all day what I should write as my very first posting on here.

A Rant? A Rave?

Well to begin with I'll just start by summarizing the past 24 hours. It seems to be a trend.

Yesterday after work, I came home and HAD to take a nap. (For those of you who don't know me that well, its a common event... I nap a lot) Anyway...

I had intended on coming home, changing and proceeding to Bingo at OOOZ, but my body decided it wasn't going to be one of my hour long disco naps, but a long 3.5 hour, let me screw up Patrick's evening, Rest Session... But I digress.

I awoke, and washed some laundry (exciting stuff eh kids?) and ate some leftovers. I was disappointed that I didn't get to Bingo. It has been a while since I have gone, and I needed Bianca's (aka Roy...aka My sisters prom date...LONG STORY KIDS) sharp whitted tongue.

So I keep trying to get myself "out there" again. It's been a tough year for me. I allowed a very bad depression get the best of me, and now I'm slowly starting to come around again and pick up the pieces. I figured, Why let my napping habits allow myself to be my excuse for not being social? (That is what my normal self-excuse is.. "ah... I napped it's too late, nah I'll stay in.")

SO.... I forced myself into the shower, got dressed and headed out to The Pub. I actually for once thought I looked cute, despite the fact I went for the (as I call it) "Cookie Cutter Look" ( you know the look... Polo shirt, leather watch some sort of wrist band halfway up the arm, faux hawk...yada yada yada...)

The weather was beautiful out, so I figured it would be somewhat busy, but for some odd reason it wasn't. I mean, it was OK, but nothing special by any means. I was there for 5 minutes and I ran into Lawrence at his bar. He then proceeded to bash me as to why I read Matt Perry's Blog and not his. I then informed him that he never provided me with his Blog Site Link and that I'd be happy to read his as well, so he wrote down his link, and gave it to me. So you can blame him as to why you have to read my mutterings, when you have nothing else better to do. He and Matty were my influence. (I'm so easily persuaded)

So anyway, I head back and forth for a while between The Pub and Oz, hoping that something interesting will happen. Needless to say NOTHING! Not a thing.

Then DREAMY Alex walks in Oz. This guy is so sweet. I love to see him. He is one of the hottest guys in New Orleans, but never once has he given me an attitude of the typical New Orleans pretty muscle boi. ( you know the type... I'm too pretty... I'm an A-Lister... I'm so hot how DARE you look at me). So he and I got to chat a bit, and make our observations of the clientele.

We both questioned ourselves..."Why are we here again?" and eventually parted ways.

I headed back over to The Pub, and decided I'd do a loop upstairs. Oz had just started the Calendar Boy Contest (YAWN), and I wanted to see what was at The Parade. Unfortunately, the same sort of contest was happening there... The Student Body Contest (YAWN AGAIN)

As I was about to leave, I noticed a cute guy that I noticed on and off throughout the evening, he looked sort of familiar, but I wasn't sure where I knew him from.

He came over and introduced himself, and said he thought I looked very familiar too. His name was James, and he worked for some hospital here. He was a lot of fun and pretty cute. He hung out with me a bit and we chatted as the contest moved ahead at a snail's pace. He excused himself and went to go meet some friends, and promised to return. About 5 minutes later he was right back next to me flirting and joking as before. He was a bit intoxicated, but I excused it. I mean after all he was cute... single... fun...single...showing interest...single ( see a pattern here kids?)
He then proceeded to go to the restroom, and that was the last sighting I had of him. He had been threatening to go home, but I had persuaded him to stay out a bit more and talk to me. I hope I see him again.

When I looked around and figured he wasn't returning, I decided to get back home and back to bed at my humble uptown abode. At least I returned home with a smile, cuz cute fun boi was flirting with me. I felt cute. (and that doesn't happen often).

LONG DAY...Lots of last minute work for the firm. Marketing, Compliance, Operations... NUFF said. It was a tough day, and I was extremely busy. I did however take the time out to look up Lawrence's blog...Read Matty P's...and create my own (which you are now witnessing). Not too bad eh?

I feel so fresh on my Blogday. I have a whole new world ahead.

And that's the way it was...


October 15, 2004 My Blogday

What a fun new world I was just born into...

What to say...What to say...

WAH! (Baby cry)...Hmmmm..
Not so much.

Ill deliberate, and begin to post a little later today.

Until then, I expect blogday wishes! :-)