Friday, October 15, 2004

I'm so nervous...It's my first time.

Well, I have been contemplating all day what I should write as my very first posting on here.

A Rant? A Rave?

Well to begin with I'll just start by summarizing the past 24 hours. It seems to be a trend.

Yesterday after work, I came home and HAD to take a nap. (For those of you who don't know me that well, its a common event... I nap a lot) Anyway...

I had intended on coming home, changing and proceeding to Bingo at OOOZ, but my body decided it wasn't going to be one of my hour long disco naps, but a long 3.5 hour, let me screw up Patrick's evening, Rest Session... But I digress.

I awoke, and washed some laundry (exciting stuff eh kids?) and ate some leftovers. I was disappointed that I didn't get to Bingo. It has been a while since I have gone, and I needed Bianca's (aka Roy...aka My sisters prom date...LONG STORY KIDS) sharp whitted tongue.

So I keep trying to get myself "out there" again. It's been a tough year for me. I allowed a very bad depression get the best of me, and now I'm slowly starting to come around again and pick up the pieces. I figured, Why let my napping habits allow myself to be my excuse for not being social? (That is what my normal self-excuse is.. "ah... I napped it's too late, nah I'll stay in.")

SO.... I forced myself into the shower, got dressed and headed out to The Pub. I actually for once thought I looked cute, despite the fact I went for the (as I call it) "Cookie Cutter Look" ( you know the look... Polo shirt, leather watch some sort of wrist band halfway up the arm, faux hawk...yada yada yada...)

The weather was beautiful out, so I figured it would be somewhat busy, but for some odd reason it wasn't. I mean, it was OK, but nothing special by any means. I was there for 5 minutes and I ran into Lawrence at his bar. He then proceeded to bash me as to why I read Matt Perry's Blog and not his. I then informed him that he never provided me with his Blog Site Link and that I'd be happy to read his as well, so he wrote down his link, and gave it to me. So you can blame him as to why you have to read my mutterings, when you have nothing else better to do. He and Matty were my influence. (I'm so easily persuaded)

So anyway, I head back and forth for a while between The Pub and Oz, hoping that something interesting will happen. Needless to say NOTHING! Not a thing.

Then DREAMY Alex walks in Oz. This guy is so sweet. I love to see him. He is one of the hottest guys in New Orleans, but never once has he given me an attitude of the typical New Orleans pretty muscle boi. ( you know the type... I'm too pretty... I'm an A-Lister... I'm so hot how DARE you look at me). So he and I got to chat a bit, and make our observations of the clientele.

We both questioned ourselves..."Why are we here again?" and eventually parted ways.

I headed back over to The Pub, and decided I'd do a loop upstairs. Oz had just started the Calendar Boy Contest (YAWN), and I wanted to see what was at The Parade. Unfortunately, the same sort of contest was happening there... The Student Body Contest (YAWN AGAIN)

As I was about to leave, I noticed a cute guy that I noticed on and off throughout the evening, he looked sort of familiar, but I wasn't sure where I knew him from.

He came over and introduced himself, and said he thought I looked very familiar too. His name was James, and he worked for some hospital here. He was a lot of fun and pretty cute. He hung out with me a bit and we chatted as the contest moved ahead at a snail's pace. He excused himself and went to go meet some friends, and promised to return. About 5 minutes later he was right back next to me flirting and joking as before. He was a bit intoxicated, but I excused it. I mean after all he was cute... single... fun...single...showing interest...single ( see a pattern here kids?)
He then proceeded to go to the restroom, and that was the last sighting I had of him. He had been threatening to go home, but I had persuaded him to stay out a bit more and talk to me. I hope I see him again.

When I looked around and figured he wasn't returning, I decided to get back home and back to bed at my humble uptown abode. At least I returned home with a smile, cuz cute fun boi was flirting with me. I felt cute. (and that doesn't happen often).

LONG DAY...Lots of last minute work for the firm. Marketing, Compliance, Operations... NUFF said. It was a tough day, and I was extremely busy. I did however take the time out to look up Lawrence's blog...Read Matty P's...and create my own (which you are now witnessing). Not too bad eh?

I feel so fresh on my Blogday. I have a whole new world ahead.

And that's the way it was...



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