Friday, April 29, 2005


The title is sort of how I feel.

I know so many of my posts are not the most cheerful, and for those that do read this, or stopped reading due to its nature, I appologize.

I have really tried to stay upbeat and not let things get me down this year, and for the mostpart this has been the case.

I have a lot to be thankful for, I am in so many ways, the best i have been probably ever.

Problem is....
I am lonely. I am a very lonely person.

People have a distorted view of me. They always see the smile, the bouncy joking and such. If anyone would truly pay attention, you would notice, I am always by myself. Yes I drift from group to group, but esentially, I am alone.

No one calls me for parties or events. No one calls to see how I am doing (with the exception of maybe 1 person recently again).

I dont even know why I am writing this now

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

...and speaking of a baby

Well it's official...

I am going to be Uncle Patrick!

My sister is now 14 weeks pregnant. It is the first grandchild. I am very happy for Kerry and Faan. I cannot wait to see them again.

It was just January of 2004 that we are all in London for the wedding, and now they have started their own family. How time flies!

Here are a few pics from their wedding in London... thought I'd reminisce ...

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A Few pics of my new baby...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

It takes a thief


My debit card was stolen in the last 24 hours and the S.O.B. charged almost $400.00!

Im so upset :-(


The 1 person I have felt a major connection with, will not allow himself to speak to me anymore for his own personal issues. He wants me but won't allow himself to have me.

I must really suck. I think I am going out and drinking heavily tonight. I don't feel I am worth anything right now.

and that's the way it mailto:%$#@% IS!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Well I had to get a new car.

My car went in the shop, and my mechanic said now was the most opportune time to trade it in instead of pouring money into it.

So.... Friday I went out and bought a new one

My new baby??????

2004 VW Passat 1.8 Ltr Turbo White w/ chrome accents & Grey Leather interior... Fully Loaded!


Pics to follow!

and that's the way it is...

Monday, April 11, 2005


I'd love to hear feed-back.

I keep finding out what people really think of me, and/or who they think I am.
Some of the responses couldn't be farther from the truth.

I saw this quiz and decided to take it.

Do you think it's accurate?

(I'm doing a lot of soul searching people... I need the help and opinions)

Advanced Global Personality Test Results
Work ethic43%
Self absorbed36%
Conflict seeking23%
Need to dominate30%
Change averse50%
Peter pan complex36%
Physical security83%
Food indulgent63%
Female cliche30%
Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Friday, April 01, 2005


Get out your guns!

I have always said if you see me in a dress (drag) KILL ME!


A few years ago, Carl Walker produced "Pageant" at the CAC. It was one of the funniest shows I have ever seen. It even featured Roy Haylock a.k.a. Bianca Del Rio in what I think was his first drag performance. He WAS the last 20 minutes of the show, and let me tell you I cried because I laughed so hard.

The premise of Pageant is that The Glammouresse Make-up line has produced it's own beauty pageant, similar to small town pageants, and it is one girls start up to "fame and fortune"

("Each of these contestants are natural born women... with a lil something extra") LMAO ... Come on that's Funny!

The important point here ... is that the "girls" are played by actors (men) NOT drag queens. The guys are simply playing the part straight (pardon the pun). This is what makes the entire show funny. The girls are not "personalities" like a drag queen would be, they are women who's roles just happen to be played by men.

In reality, they are really not supposed to be "pretty". After all, this is a small time pageant.

There is 1 exception... Ms. Texas. She is very attractive, and has won every pageant she has ever been in. She is the epitome of class and stature.


Yes you guessed it... Ms. Texas

Now I have never been in drag. Never had the want to be. I decided to audition for the show due to the fact I saw how funny it was, and I knew the director was looking for actors, not drag queens. I know he understands the fine line between playing it real (as a women) or camp (drag queen) and that he would ensure that it is done correctly.

The production team is the same as many of my previous productions (George M. / Forever Plaid/ 42nd Street so I know it will be a first rate production.

With that said, I was very concerned about doing this to begin with. There is a stigma about a persons masculinity about dressing as a woman. Now I can assure you, I will not be seen prancing about the Pub as a woman. That is NOT my intention. I am an actor, and I am simply portraying a role.

Originally, I felt as though it would hurt my possibility of dating someone. I can see how it could be a turn off, especially to guys who are truly not impressed with the typical gay scene, and I truly sympathize there. I personally would not want to date a drag queen. ( Note to all ... I am not making judgement by any means, and I have a few friends that do drag regularly, its just not what I want in a relationship)

Anyone reading my blog KNOWS that's not gonna happen, because someone would have to be after me, and that certainly is not the case.

So into dragville I go. It will be good to be back onstage again, I have not been on since Sept. of 2003 in Forever Plaid. It will keep me busy, and at the same time put a final demise I'm sure to getting any dates in the city of New Orleans. So that will be one less thing to worry about when it's over.

OH, and the script calls for me to win nightly...

GREAAATTTTT I win a crown but not a guy... Geez it took me to get in a sequined dress and pumps to win something!

With that all aside, I'm sure the show will be fun, and I can expand my acting abilities. This will not be an easy role by any means, I feel it's going to be quite tough ( High Heels, Make-up, Wig , Posture etc.) But Hopefully I can pull it off well enough, and be good at what I am doing. That's my hope, to pull it off and do it well.

Well, that's the way it is...