Friday, October 29, 2004

Final Countdown

Well... Unfortunately, I lost my friend from LA participating in the Halloween Group.
He is having some troubles, and will not be able to join us.
At this point, I will be just glad to get there and have fun. The concept is ok even if we all go as "fire". I'd have preferred both Fire and Ice, but I don't want to do that if I don't have enough people to pull it off. I can return the temporary tattoo ink (Blue, Purple etc... for the ice) and get my money back, so that way we would not have spent as much. Oh well as the say in NOLA "C'est la vie"

I have had an opportunity lately to read some other blogs. I can catch up with what's going on with people, and it can be quite interesting. One in particular, is cute Brian, who used to work at the Pub. He writes so well, and is so smart. I was really impressed. Reading his daily thoughts and comments, just makes him that much more attractive.

I am completely attracted to intelligence and "nice". In my book, a person can have average looks, and still be the hottest thing on 2 feet if they are smart, nice, and attitude free. To me, there is nothing better.

I'm still in a good mood despite my roomate issue. I want to stay that way.

well with that all said...

that's the way it IS...


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