Monday, October 25, 2004

Countdown to release...

FLEW by. Before I knew it, it was over.

I had to teach at my studio in the morning. I'm glad to be teaching. I have always enjoyed watching students acheive that final product. It is one of the most soulfullfilling opportunities a person can have. I had some trouble with my ADD student. Unfortunately, I had to get pretty hard on her in class, and after. I spoke to her mother later that evening, and we discussed a few options with her. I am hoping to overcome this hurdle with her in class. I love nothing nothing more, than to see a child overcome great boundaries and finish ahead.

After class I went to Wal mart (Harahan UHHGGG)... HEY! it was out near the studio.

I tried to get the oil changed and regular maintenance, but i almost had no oil in the pan, and they saw a leak at the bottom. It might be nothing but a gasket, but it's something I'll have to look into. Problem is they would not service the car. I bought some oil put it in the car, finished my shopping, and returned home. The head technician there informed me if I went and cleaned underneath and added oil, someone might be able to do the regular work on it, then they would find out if it is a gasket problem or a crack. Keep your fingers crossed for the best.

Went home napped in the afternoon. Got online a bit, and went to go meet someone I had been chatting with a while for drinks and dinner.

We had a nice evening, starting at Napoleon's Itch, and headed to Quarter Scene for dinner. I felt like i wasn't "slumming it" I didn't leave the bar smelling like smoke, and feeling dead tired, and dinner was really really good. The pecan encrusted catfish surprsied me, it was a perfect meal for the evening.

I cleaned around inside the house, and started to pick up some of Jacob's (roomates) mess. I think I am going to have to set deadlines for things to be done. Like pick up boxes before the 31st... and sell extra sofa by 11/15/04... do it all or die sort of stuff.

I stayed in and made a great salad Sunday night. Watched some TV...yapped online a bit, and went to bed. Uhhg when I wake, it'll be Monday...grrrrrrr

I am in a good mood. I guess I got a lot accomplished. I need to so that I can enjoy Halloween in New Orleans! I like this time of year. The weather is good, and there is an enjoyable attitude throughout the city. I need the release of this coming weekend to just have fun. I am trying to get together all my halloween arrangments.... costumes/people/etc.
I have to teach Hip Hop tonight, but after that I'll raid some stores to find what we need to complete our costumes "Fire and Ice" WOO HOO... I can't wait to pull this off. I really think it's going to look HOT, even for ME!

well now you have been brought up to date!

...and that's the way it was


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