Friday, November 26, 2004


Been Moving "stuff" in little "runs" in my car since Wednesday afternoon.

Reconnecting with old friends....and old flames (NO not like that...talking)

Had makeshift Thanksgiving Day Dinner at my new place. Spent part of the day at Walmart NO LINES! Woo hoo!

Parents enjoyed Macy's parade...returning today... I pick them up at the airport.

Woke up late...cell phone alarm clock did not go off, a parking ticket (grrrrrr), cuz I was still at a meter at 8:16... Now at work. Yet, it is still a good day. :-)

And that's the way it STILL is... at what seems to 200mph!

Point of interest: My friend Timothy F. sent me a Thanksgiving Day card. Now, that seems like nothing to some people, but to me, I felt loved. I just feel it should be mentioned, because he deserves to be mentioned. He has always been there when I am at or about my lowest, no matter how far away he is, he has made a difference, and for that I thank him. 1432

Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Time has flown by.

Again, I apologize for the delay in updating. I have been preparing for my move to the warehouse district. I repaired quite a few flaws in my house and got it ready to be listed. It finally went "on the market" Friday, and the sign was posted on Monday afternoon. I know this is not the most opportune time to sell it with the holidays approaching, but nonetheless it is ready to be purchased. I'll be moving a lot of my "stuff" on Wednesday afternoon, Thanksgiving Day and Friday. The "Big Furniture" will be moved on Saturday, and I'll finally be finished with it all. Please say a prayer that this will all go smoothly and that my home will sell quickly.

My parents and my brother are in NYC to visit my sister and brother-in-law, and to see the Macy's Day Parade. For those of you who have not had the wonderfull opportunity to see this holiday parade, DO SO, it's something you will never forget.

With all this said, I am pretty down right now. I want someone in my life. I seem to meet some amazing people, but they always seem to migrate elsewhere. I can't help but think "What is wrong with me"... Yes I am asking that again. Maybe its unhealthy, hell I know it is...but it is a valid question for me, and something I feel so very deeply about. Sadly, I'm tearing up typing this entry. This is truly not easy for me. I seem to be running on "auto-pilot", and maybe that's the best thing for me to do. I gave up a while back on searching for that right person, and focused on meeting positive people. Yet I find that even the positive people I meet, seem to find what they want or need, and I'm sort of left behind as a chapter some sort of living novel.

I'm going to keep this brief, because I'm about ready to let the waterworks flow, and I can't do this at work. I'll end with this...

It's going to be Thanksgiving... Let us ALL be thankful for what we have, minding the fact that some of us in this world are not even fortunate to have a quarter of the opportunities that we as Americans have. Be thankful for your job, families, husbands, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, partners etc. Be thankful that we are able to rise each day and experience something new. Just be thankful for your life. I am going to do the same. I may not be fortunate to have what many others have, but I am thankful for what I do have. One day hopefully I'll be able to share it with someone else, and for that I'll be thankful. Now, it's just a matter of accepting what I know as truth and not let anything else effect my beliefs.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I apologize for not having updated in a while, but as you can probably gather from the title, it's been a busy week.

Last Thursday, I was chatting with a very good looking guy. As I learned more about him (Through his own blog I might add) I saw a depth and an understanding which I have so rarely found in New Orleans , especially that of a single good looking guy. He has a great insight into people, and his writing skills, are truly something to be admired. Most of what he does has meaning, down to a dinner party, or a tattoo. There is a thought behind it and a "labor of love" so to speak. These qualities make him all the more attractive to me.
I decided to ask him out, I figured I could not go on without having spent some time learning some more about him. I brought him to dinner at Mat & Naddie's, a wonderful restaurant at the edge of River Road along side the river. If I may quote from his blog "we sat outside under a cornflower blue sky flowing with cotton candy clouds." WOW, now how can you not at least be impressed with that imagery? He mentioned that color of the sky that night. After all, it was a breezy fall evening in New Orleans, and we had BOTH wanted to eat outdoors, and enjoy the beautiful weather that was bestowed upon the city (FINALLY)! We had a wonderful meal and great conversation. I got to learn a bit more about this guy, and I am looking forward to seeing where this could lead. He is extremely attractive, nice, and smart. I did get to see him again on Saturday evening, and we watched the Joy Luck Club. Now I will have to devote another post to that movie, it has great meaning for me. I keep smiling every time I think of the fact that he picked the movie. This guy, who has so impressed me, picked such an important movie in my life. Ok once again WOW!

The House (insert dramatic music here)
Well, I have not mentioned yet that Halloween night right before I left my house to enjoy the evening, I heard a crashing of glass in my home. I rushed to my dining room to find that a post had been hurdled through my front plate glass picture window. I sprinted to the front sidewalk to see if I could get a glimpse of the culprit. Unfortunately there was no one in sight. I called New Orleans finest and they asked if I saw anything, to which the officer responded "Oh well Guess you can chalk that up to a Halloween prank nothing we can do" DUH! Like I didn't realize that. I guess all that police training helped you figure out such a mysterious crime.

Oh well, I digress...
This was the last straw for me. I had been standing in front of that window not 2 minutes before hand. If I had been there at that time, I could have been seriously injured. So the next day I started weighing my options.

  • I have considered selling my house. It appraised at double its value last Oct. I could walk away with a great profit, and pay off all my bills, so that is a plus.
I also looked at the problems I have had to face while living there.
  • I was robbed twice, once in June of 2001 and once in July of 2002.

  • My neighbor (83 year old man...nice as can be) was attacked at 3:00pm in broad daylight by a man passing on a bicycle, while he was putting out his garbage. Mr. Moritz died from those injuries 2 days later. His attack and subsequent death was officially classified as a homicide. They have yet to catch the attacker to this day.

  • Last month, an off duty police officer in his personal vehicle was driving down my street (1 block away), another car passed in front of him stopped short, causing both cars to stop. The driver of the passing car, got out and opened fire at the off duty officer. The officer sped around him and was able to escape, although he was shot in the process.

And now the glass incident. Now keep in mind, I do not live in a bad neighborhood uptown. I'm on Valence Street near Napoleon and St. Charles Ave. The problem is the undesirables (Nice term) that must walk through my block, and cause misfortune for others.

So with all this said, I have decided to put my home up for sale. Now notice I said "home", not house. I took this house when it was a mess of a place, and transformed it into a home. A home filled with memories, laughter, tears, and moments that I can never replace. They live there now. It truly saddens me to leave it. I adore the house. It is perfect for me. But I feel my safety and sanity are worth much more. I must admit, being a single person, it has become increasingly difficult to maintain the entire property. There is grass that needs cutting, gardens to maintain, BBQ grill to be cleaned and maintained, interior to be cleaned, clothes and dishes to be washed...well you all know the drill. All of this on top of a full time job 8-5 M-F, and teaching twice a week at my dance school Mon. nights and Sat. mornings. All of this work leaves "No rest for the wicked" LOLOLOL.

I know that it is in my best interest to sell my home. Both personally, and financially. I have rented a loft apartment in The Rotunda in the Warehouse District, and there I will not have to worry about anything but cleaning clothes and dishes. No yard work, no maintenance nothing. I have access to a gym, which I need badly, and a rooftop pool and BBQ grills. In addition, I will have a gated entrance to the building (You must be "buzzed up") and high above any of the problems, that any bypasser on the street might want to inflict. Also, I will walk away with enough money to pay off any debts that I have and still have a great amount to put into savings. I will miss my home, a lot of labor has been put into it, and if the walls could only speak, I'm sure they would have a great number of stories they could tell. Even with my great attachment to it, I feel it is time to let go. This is going to become quite a growing experience for me, and I am actually filled with emotion as I type this entry. I still keep one thing in mind though, "it is for my own good". So if you see a small home for sale uptown, and it is emoting a great deal of "light and love" know that it was mine, and with it comes a whole set of dreams and happiness.

and that's the way it IS...

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Our Trio Posted by Hello

Billy (FIRE) - Patrick (Fire & Ice) - Eddie (ICE)

Don't we look like comic book characters.
BTW all of this was handpainted...No airbrushing.
I think the effect was better this way.

My Fire & Ice Posted by Hello

I figured I'd post some pictures of what seemed to be our very successful night out as FIRE & ICE. We had a great time. Thank you to everyone for the compliments. Also, a HUGE thank you to our artist Edward R Cox. He took my ideas and ran with them and made that final product.
It was fun to watch peoples reactions. It was very difficult to recognize me, even friends of mine had to be told who I was. Hehehehehe. Enjoy the pics!